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Llama 2 License Terms

**Meta Unveils New Agreement for Responsible Use of Llama 2** Meta has announced a new agreement that outlines the terms and conditions for using, reproducing, and distributing its open source large language model (LLM), Llama 2. This bespoke commercial license aims to strike a balance between open access and responsible use of AI technology. **Key Provisions of the Agreement:** * Defines the permitted and restricted uses of Llama 2. * Outlines protections to prevent misuse and potential harm. * Requires users to acknowledge Meta's commitment to fair and safe usage. **Benefits for Users:** * **Free and open access:** Researchers and commercial users can access Llama 2 without charge. * **Comprehensive documentation:** Users receive detailed guidance on responsible use, including user and README guides. * **Legal protections:** The license protects users from liability for activities not explicitly prohibited. **Meta's Commitment to Responsible AI:** Meta emphasizes its commitment to promoting the ethical development and use of AI. The company believes that Llama 2 should be used responsibly to create positive outcomes and mitigate potential risks. **Additional Details:** To obtain access to Llama 2, users must visit the designated download form and accept the Acceptable Use Agreement. The agreement is designed to ensure that users understand their responsibilities and obligations when utilizing the model. **Conclusion:** Meta's agreement for the use of Llama 2 provides a clear framework for responsible and ethical AI practices. By balancing open access with appropriate restrictions, Meta aims to foster innovation while mitigating the risks associated with LLM technology.
